Best Price : Broan S90,HS90, MS90 Vent Fan Motor # 99080273; 1500 RPM, 0.56 amps, 120V 60hz.
You want Broan S90,HS90, MS90 Vent Fan Motor # 99080273; 1500 RPM, 0.56 amps, 120V 60hz. with save money price? We currently have wonderful deals for Broan S90,HS90, MS90 Vent Fan Motor # 99080273; 1500 RPM, 0.56 amps, 120V 60hz.. It is quite good deal now.
Cheap Price Now! Broan S90,HS90, MS90 Vent Fan Motor # 99080273; 1500 RPM, 0.56 amps, 120V 60hz. !!!
** Product Details : Broan S90,HS90, MS90 Vent Fan Motor # 99080273; 1500 RPM, 0.56 amps, 120V 60hz.
- 3.3" Diameter Motor, Rotation CW
- Shaft Size 5/16" x 3/8"
- Hubs only
- Motor Case Length 2 1/2"
- 1 Year Manufacture Warranty
** Broan S90,HS90, MS90 Vent Fan Motor # 99080273; 1500 RPM, 0.56 amps, 120V 60hz. - - Review by Dane
I was given Broan S90,HS90, MS90 Vent Fan Motor # 99080273; 1500 RPM, 0.56 amps, 120V 60hz. - items not too long ago. It helped exactly as advertised. Amazing product. User friendly to the time that I did not need to have to read through any instructions to operate. Checked the distances with other product and would seem to be to be very adequate. Seriously happy I made the purchase. I would advise this products to you.
Buy Now! Broan S90,HS90, MS90 Vent Fan Motor # 99080273; 1500 RPM, 0.56 amps, 120V 60hz.